You will need a new, tightened budget if you lose a job. Prioritize your bills and pay those most necessary for your family: food, utilities and shelter.
Failing to pay any of your debts can seriously affect your credit rating, but if you stop making your mortgage payments you could lose your house. Try these suggestions to keep your home:
1) Whenever possible, use any income available after paying for food and utilities to pay your monthly mortgage payments.
2) If your employment income has stopped or been reduced, first consider getting rid of or cutting back on other expenses (such as dining out, entertainment, cable, or even telephone services).
3) If you still do not have enough income, consider cashing out other financial resources like stocks, savings accounts, or personal property that may have value like a boat or a second car.
4) Take any responsible action that will save cash.
Besides speaking with your lender, you may want to contact a nonprofit consumer credit counseling agency that specializes in helping restructure credit payments. Credit counselors can often reduce your monthly bills by negotiating lower payments or long-term payment plans with your creditors. Trustworthy credit counseling agencies provide their services free of charge or for a small monthly fee tied to a repayment plan. Beware of credit counseling agencies that offer counseling for a large upfront fee or donation.
For consumer debt advice, contact
When you call a credit counseling agency, they will ask you to provide current information about your income and expenses. Make sure you ask if the agency has a charge before you sign any documents!
Quick Credit Repair: A Personal Experience
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